Drone Strike on Russia's Largest Black Sea Refinery Sparks Gas Shortages

The event of the attack on the Russian Tuapse oil refinery which is the largest on the Black Sea by Ukraine has led to raising worry regarding the issues of scarcity in the provision of gas and soaring of its prices for the Russian citizens. 
 Operators of over 75 drones conducted multiple raids that happened in one night assaulting different areas of Russia, especially the Tuapse oil refinery. Litter left by the crashed drone ignited and spread through the biggest fire at the refinery reducing its size considerably. The refinery that has the ability to process 240,000 barrels per day provides fuel to Turkey, China, Malaysia and Singapore among others. 
 Targeting the energy infrastructure is a tactic of trying to counterattack on the Russian logistical chain and consequently cut its financial support to its war machinery. Despite the fact that Ukraine sometimes does not openly take the direct culpability, such attacks are closely related to the attempts to undermine Russia’s war capacities. 
 Subsequent strikes have resulted in the ban of gasoline export in Russia which was earlier banned from March to July and has now a possible time beyond August 1. This measure’s purpose is to ensure the main fuel prices remain stable within the domestic market, particularly the Ai-95 gasoline that is used by newer car engines. 
 In short, Russian authorities are concerned about additional attacks and prolongation of the crisis, which will inevitably affect the stability of energy supplies. The occurrence highlights growing aggression and the focusing on objects of significance in the Russia Ukraine conflict.