Breaking News: Harvard Confirms Existence of Crypto Aliens on Earth

In a groundbreaking study, researchers from Harvard University's Human Flourishing Program have proposed the existence of cryptoterrestrials—alien beings potentially living covertly among humans on Earth. This controversial study delves into the possibility that these entities, often associated with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or UFOs, might be concealed underground, on the moon, or even integrated into human society.

Key Findings of the Study:

Human Cryptoterrestrials:

  • Descendants of an ancient human civilization.
  • Likely live in diminished states, hidden from modern society.
  • Could be remnants of a once-thriving advanced human race.

Hominid or Theropod Cryptoterrestrials:

  • Non-human civilizations evolved from terrestrial animals.
  • Possess advanced skills in stealth and concealment.
  • Potentially adept at avoiding detection by modern technology and humans.

Former Extraterrestrial or extratemporal Cryptoterrestrials:

  • Beings originating from outside Earth or the distant future.
  • Assimilated into our environment, blending seamlessly with humans.
  • Could provide explanations for some UFO sightings and encounters.

Magical Cryptoterrestrials:

  • Entities with mystical attributes, akin to folklore creatures like fairies or nymphs.
  • Interact with the human world in non-technological ways.
  • Might have contributed to various mythologies and legends across cultures.

The study's authors call for an open-minded approach, acknowledging the skepticism within the scientific community. They stress the importance of considering these hypotheses while awaiting peer review, which is crucial for validating the study's claims.

Context and Previous Reports:

US Government and UFOs:

  • Earlier reports suggest that the US government has concealed large unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
  • This secrecy has fueled public intrigue and debate about the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Scientific Exploration:

  • Now, the quest for the answer to the question of whether our planet is inhabited in the universe is one of the significant challenges for scientists and a matter of concern for the whole population. 
  • That subjects like these are very much alive mostly owe to such research work done at places like Harvard and such questions remain open till the solution cannot be given. 

Implications and Future Research:

  • This study should set the stage toward further research efforts and interdisciplinarity questioning regarding crypoterrestrials. 
  • It further emphasizes the input of this multi-disciplinary fashion in investigating and modeling this model as it draws astronomy, biology, anthropology, and folklore. 
  • As for the subsequent studies, they might deliver tangible information and might even provide evidence of the presence of cryptoterrestrials.