Step Into the World of Coding with Your First Mojo Program

"Step into Mojo's code, where learning flows, with functions and loops, your knowledge grows!"

The Mojo programming is new. Only that it's just being developed, though. The most recent milestone release will be version 0.6.0 by the of 2023. It's not yet known when GA will happen for the first full increment release, and also the final set of the language is still being developed. Nevertheless, from an early stage, it has shown better performance when compared with other main languages such as Python, C and Rust. If you are a newcomer and are just starting out with Mojo, here is your first Mojo program tutorial.

Mojo Development Introduction: Why Mojo?

Designed for AI/ML purposes, as a superset of Python, Mojo comprises all the positive aspects of Python but includes some peculiar features aimed at solving AI issues. This means one benefits from using many Python libraries they are already familiar with in conjunction with the optimizations that are usually applied to such complex calculations in AI projects.

The importance of speed and performance highlights the reason behind Mojo's design. It must be fast as AI tasks are usually computation-heavy. It compiles machine code and as such is swifter than such interpreted languages like Python. Mojo has a clean and concise syntax with simplicity. So, it is easier to learn and understand without prior coding experience.

Starting Out with Mojo: 

You should first prepare your environment before starting out with Mojo code. Here is what you will need:

  • A Text Editor: For beginners, just get acquainted with basic text editors such as Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac). However, if you want a better writing setting, choose one which contains underlined errors and can auto-complete from a drop-down list when typing; some examples are Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code or Atom.
  • Mojo Installation: Visit the site where the software is officially available online and download its setup file according to the type your system runs on. The process of installation is simple and does not require much of your time.

Building Your First Mojo Program: Hello World!

Every coder's odyssey starts from scratch with a conventional "Hello, World!" application. This straightforward application shows the text 'Hello, World!' on the screen. it serves as a good starting point for verifying your system configuration and learning the basics of a new language's syntax. Here is a guide for writing your first Mojo program:

Create a New File: Do this with whichever text editor you prefer in order to get started on writing a new file in it. Consider naming this document "hello_world.mojo" to add some more emoji to your message; otherwise make sure that you save it as an extension for your mojo-named file.
Enter the code: This is where the fun begins! Append the subsequent code snippet into the newly fashioned document.

fn main(){

 print("Hello, World!")


Let's analyze the purpose of this code:

fn main () {...}:Here, this is the main function. This is where all programs begin their execution.

print ("Hello, World!"): During this line, this displays "Hello, World!" on the screen using this print command.

Run the Program: Save your work as a named file 'hello, world.mojo'. Force is required for running it through the Command Line Interface of Mojo. Go to the directory where you had saved it using either the terminal or command prompt and type in the statement below before pressing the enter button.
mojo run hello_world.mojo

If everything is done properly display the text "Hello, World!" You have just run the first Mojo program, well done!

Exploring Mojo's Capabilities:

Let's learn more about basic atoms. Having programmed your first Mojo programme, let's dive deeper into some other elements of this type:

1. Variable and Data Types:

In computer programming data storage and manipulation are often necessary. Variables are nothing but buckets for parameters you need to keep in them. There are different types of data in Mojo such as integers (whole numbers), floats (decimals), strings (text) or bools (either true or false). Here's an example of declaring and using a variable:

fn main () {

    let names: str = "Alice"; // Declare a string variable named "name" with the value "Alice"

    let age: int = 30; // Declare an integer variable named  "age" with the value 30


2. Conditional Statements:

In programming, decisions are commonly made when given specific conditions. To control your program's flow, Mojo provides conditional operations such as if, else statement etc..

fn main () {

  let age: int = 18;

if age> = 18 {

    print ("You are eligible to vote.");

} else {

   print("You are not eligible to vote yet.");



3. Loops:

At times, you require repeating a block of codes several times. Loops manage to make coding easier since they usually run when the code is being executed effectively. Mojo presents for as well as while loop structures for this reason. Below is a for loop example which prints numbers between 1 to 5:

fn main() {

 for i in 1..=5 {// Loop iterates from 1 to 5 (inclusive)

        prints (i);



4. Functions:

Functions are reusable pieces of code which perform certain functions. They help in organizing codes and making them more modular. Here's an example of such a function that greets a person by name:

fn greet(name: str) {

   print("Hello, ", name' "!"); }

fn main () {



In this example, the greet function takes a string argument (name) and prints a personalized greeting. The main function calls the greet function with the argument "Bob".


Comments are lines of text disregarded by the compiler. Nonetheless, they provide important information to developers to help them understand what the code does. Here's a sample of writing comments to clarify the code:

// This program calculates the area of a rectangle 

 fn main() {

   let width: int = 10;

   let height: int = 5;

   let area: int = width*height;

  print ("The area of the rectangle is ", area);


These comments explain the purpose of the program and the variable used.

Current Status and Future Outlook:

As of today, Mojo remains under active development. The compiler itself is currently closed-source, but the standard library is open-source. This allows developers to contribute and explore the language's core functionalities. Modular Inc. has expressed its intention to eventually make Mojo fully open-source as the language matures.